(08) 8269 9333 stateoffice@lutherancare.org.au

Lutheran Care launches 2024 Winter Appeal

A woman and her child watch the sunrise over a lake. The Lutheran Care logo appears in the bottom right hand corner.

Lutheran Care launches 2024 Winter Appeal

Lutheran Care has launched its 2024 Winter Appeal with the need in our communities greater than ever before, as local families and individuals continue to struggle with the rising cost of living that shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon. 

As we move into the colder months, the increasing number of people from all walks of life knocking on Lutheran Care’s doors tell us that our clients are struggling to put food on the table for their families, with the price of food rising more than 17 per cent since March 2020. 

Many are having difficulty paying their utility bills and cannot afford the extra costs to heat a home during the freezing days and icy nights. Sadly, even the basic human right of somewhere safe to live is out of reach for many in our neighbourhoods. 

Winter is a time of increased need for Lutheran Care’s services and our Winter Appeal raises important funds to enable our staff and volunteers to provide immediate support to people in crisis, including emergency food relief, bedding and clothing, and links to ongoing supports such as homelessness services, financial counselling, family violence support, parenting programs and more.  

This year for our Winter Appeal, we are sharing the story of a strong and resilient young mother Mariam*.  

Mariam fled to Australia to escape horrific family violence which had resulted in the shocking death of her sister. With their own lives under threat, it was fear and hope that led them to pursue a new life, leaving everything and everyone they had ever known behind. 

Mariam counted her blessings every day for the opportunity to settle in South Australia, but very quickly her new world was ripped apart.  

The perpetrator of the violence had found them and was lodging court action for custody of her child. Distraught, fearful and with no idea how the courts system worked in this new land, Mariam was referred to Lutheran Care.  

Her story of bravery and selflessness deeply moved our team. She shared that she was going without food so her son could eat. Understandably, her mental health was in tethers and she had no idea how to organise a lawyer and no means to pay them. 

Firstly, we opened our Emergency Relief food pantry to the family so they would not go hungry. We supported Mariam with much-needed counselling to start to process the trauma she’d experienced and our financial counsellors worked with her to share the skills she needed to stretch her limited budget further. 

Through our Community Connections program, we introduced Mariam to Legal Aid, and other integral supports including the Multicultural Communities Council of SA, a local employment network, and a nearby Community Centre.  

We became part of her team and shared Mariam’s elation when she called from the courthouse; “We won!” 

To read more about Mariam’s story and how she received life-changing help from Lutheran Care, click here 

To help families like Mariam’s enjoy a brighter future, Lutheran Care is urging supporters to give what they can this winter. As a 55-year-old South Australian charity, the funds our incredible supporters donate stay right here to support local families experiencing crisis and disadvantage in your local communities.  

A donation to Lutheran Care this winter will ensure that less people are alone, cold, hungry or in despair at this challenging time. We thank you for any support you can give.  

To find out more or to make a donation, visit our website.

*Client’s name has been changed to protect her confidentiality